next you want to run the only ".EXE" file that there is (Shimeji-ee.exe) and your buddy should pop up any second falling from the heavens it self. INSTRUCTIONS - All you need to do is to download the file from the Google drive and export it on where you choose to. K corp is is not responsible for any cause of Transfuring or case of spreading latex around your area, in any case please contact us via - "MY STEAM PROFILE" for help with shimeji and how its works) We hope that you will enjoy our incredible product as we continue on improving it and fixing this issue faster.

OH WHATS THAT? One Puro isnt enough? Well dont worry my friend, Puro has the ability to duplicate and make more copies of him self now! You can always customize its behaviour by RMB clicking on the icon where your pet setting will be placed once turn on. With more update in the future, this pet will recive full custom tricks later on as we work on improving its DNA structure. Now you can have a pet puro on your pc that will wounder aimlessly around do whatever he likes to. Without waste we went to working on a solution to this world wide issue and we have created the ultimate solution. K and we have recived reports from our informers that the people over the world seems to like this latex subject named "Puro". Ahhem I would like to introduce my self to you. Some PC program analysts have claimed the program is a scam, but substantial evidence of this has yet to emerge despite the program's age and popularity.Hey you! Yes you. The program only acts the way it does in a fun, non-invasive manner. It scans to see where your mouse is, and interacts with files that are stored within its own system. While the program in question does in fact mess with your PC, it’s only in good fun. It drags memes, text, and other images onto the screen, all the while honking at you and occasionally stealing your mouse. It runs around and leaves tracks wherever it goes, honking and getting angry with even the most passive of behaviors. Does more than just waddleĪrguably, this goose will do more work than you do, mostly because it stops you from staying on task. He drags windows like Internet Explorer around, changes the text on them, steals your mouse, and basically becomes a nuisance to your daily life.

He does more than just take up a little space.

This goose is more than just a tiny animation wandering across your screen.